
Your Future Leader

For I have placed prophets and those with the gift of prophecy around you and you have benefitted much from their insight, direction and even correction that I share with them to give to you. And I want to say to you~My Army of Light~it is No Small Thing to represent ME and share these words to you. For they sacrifice much to give these words to you everyday and so I wanted to bring their dedication to you for you need to understand their commitment not only to ME, but to you as well. ~Now I want to share My Heart with you this day for the darkness is scrambling now as they realize they cannot stop DJT in their courts, nor on the campaign trail. He is unstoppable so now their efforts to do him bodily harm will increase! So Come My Army of Light and Release My Warring Angels to surround Donald J. Trump, his wife and family and all that he works with for they are desperate and they want to take him down! Pray now that their attempts will boomerang and they will get caught And that it wil


For My servants—Kat Kerr and Johnny Enlow have both spoken of the Kingdom Era/Kingdom Age and Johnny announced that it’s here! And this shift of control will take place including things happening suddenly and some gradually but I have released My Angel Armies to do this Mighty Task. For many saw the mighty angels that have been released when viewing the aurora borealis recently for their power is mighty and there are more of them than the fallen angels. For your prayers, declarations and decrees are sending them on assignment and they are Getting It Done! But I want you to know that these angels are not only here to take down evil, but they are here to minister to you! (Hebrews 1:14) And one of their missions is to bring healing into your bodies and to encourage you in your inner being—so soak in My Presence and usher in these ministering spirits and ask for the healing that you need. Now—it could be a restoration of a relationship as well~So Come and Let the Healing of your Soul, Body

Decrees, Declarations and Scriptures from Interview with Diana 5-16-24

Be a Part of the Solution—II Peter 2:6-9, Daniel 9 and II Chronicles 7:14 Doors of Possibilities—Paul and Silas (Acts 16:25-34) Motherhood—Fight and stand for the institution of family, marriage and parenting for this is an all out war! Disarm, defeat and dispose of the doctrines of men that are in opposition to these foundations of family and render them powerless in Jesus’ Name.  It Is Time—Occupy till I come (Luke 19:13 KJV), have dominion over all the earth (Genesis 1:26 KJV) Take authority over these tools of weather manipulation and call forth My Angel Armies to totally disarm, disengage and completely annihilate them all! Declare that No Weapon formed against us shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17) Our Partnership—these prayers you are praying against this weather manipulation will bring great results so continue until you see the answers.

You Have Learned Well!

Oh my, how much you have grown for when Covid hit and when DJT lost (supposedly!) the election in 2020, there was so much doubt in the Remnant and so much confusion! For the prophets said that Donald J. Trump would win and he didn’t—according to the news reports. And then you had prophets denying their words and apologizing for what they had said! For there was a massive wave of deception that fell upon you to even then give up the fight. But then I called upon the prophets I could trust and those that hear My voice who have the gift of prophecy and I used them to bring clarity to the Truth and to the times you are living in. And now you have learned to ask for wisdom and discernment and to come to ME to find Truth. And look where you are now!!! For you are learning to be My manifested sons and daughters by not giving in to the enemy’s assaults or by being a victim of his—instead you are Mighty Warriors~destroying the works of the devil! And I say You Have Learned Well and My heart is

Our Partnership

Oh have I got plans that will surprise you! For these plans have been in place since Adam and Eve ate from the tree of good and evil. For I Know All Things including what the future will bring and I also planned your being here Now! For I AM going to bring major backlash on those who are in charge of this circus they call a trial against Donald J. Trump. For I AM now his defense and the deep state will be in a whirlwind of trouble. Ha! I laugh at them at these ridiculous accusations for there is No Crime he has committed! They are FOOLS and I will make sure Everyone Will Know It! And these prayers, decrees and declarations you are praying against this weather manipulation will bring about Great Results. Continue them until you see the answers. For My Angel Armies are busy with dismantling them and the weather predictions including climate change will be a thing of the past. For Our Partnership as you stand with ME will form the Death of the Cabal’s Control over you! For as the Darkness

It is Time

For I have a New Assignment for you My Army of Light for My Word says to Occupy till I come (Luke 19:13 KJV) and also that you shall have dominion over all the earth (Genesis 1:26 KJV). And This Day I AM Calling You to Shine Forth My Light Into The Darkness! For Yuval Noah Harari has shared that they are creating a god who will be more powerful than the common god of today. And one of the major things  they are doing is manipulating weather and pushing the idea of climate change~so this is where You Come In! Take Authority over these Tools of Weather Manipulation and Call Forth My Angel Armies to totally Disarm, Disengage and Completely Annihilate Them All! Cast Them Down and claim the Blood of Jesus destroys them all! For I Will Not Be Mocked and I do not want you to be victims of their playing god any longer! So Declare that No Weapon Formed Against You Shall Prosper (Isaiah 54:17) for It Is Time for the Light to Overcome Darkness! Galatians 6:7 “Do not be deceived; God cannot be m


And this day and in this country, the role of motherhood is honored, but clearly this role is getting befuddled and so are the lines of gender as well and then we have the idea of a woman nurturing and caring for her children~which doesn’t sit well with the deep state’s agenda at all. For their agenda is to do away with families altogether. For they  want to take away your parents’ rights and to have guardianship of your children. But I say this day—FIGHT and stand for the institution of FAMILY, MARRIAGE and PARENTING for this is an ALL OUT WAR against these Foundations of the Kingdom! For this day I give you an Assignment to Disarm, Defeat and Dispose of the doctrines of men that are in opposition to these Foundations of Family and Render them Powerless in My Son’s Name, Jesus! For My Heart’s Desire today is to bring honor to whom it is due—to Mothers! For they replicate the Kingdom of God. They serve, love and care for their children and often times their own needs go unmet because o