
You Will Experience Victory!

For you have been in fighting mode for so long My Army of Light and soon the fighting will be over and the battle won and you will Experience Victory! Now~for some of you it will take some effort to change your mindset from a warrior mode to a receiving mode. For there will be Showers of Blessings coming that will be non-stop and for some of you it will take a bit of time to recalibrate yourself to receive all that is coming. Some might even feel guilty that you don’t deserve it—don’t receive that lie for My Word says that I love to give good gifts to My Children. So My Army of Light, once the Battle is over, Get Ready to Receive the Plunder and the Benefits of Being on the Winning Side! Note: Just because the battle will be over doesn't mean we will no longer experience warfare from the devil. We will still have that but in a lessor manner as hell will no longer have control over the seven mountains. Matthew 7:11 “If you, imperfect as you are, know how to lovingly take care of you...

My Justice

For the battle is fierce now for many of you saw the interview with James O’Keefe uncovering a story with Jamie Mannina—a former senior Pentagon advisor and a former FBI special agent discussing plans involving retired military officials to protect people from Trump. For like I have said multiple times, the deep state is in a frenzy and cannot stand the thought of having Trump in office as President for they know many will lose their place of influence and will no longer be a part of the administration for they know their lifestyle of evil and corruption will be displayed and will no longer able to hide it. For I AM causing fear to take over them and even the demons are harassing them now. Do Not Be Surprised if you see some of the Senators or members of Congress have Complete Meltdowns! For Justice is running after them and They Cannot Hide! Proverbs 21:15 “When justice is served, the lovers of God celebrate and rejoice, but the wicked begin to panic.”

I Will Not Let You Down!

Note: The first sentence here is in response to my prayers and then the Lord shares with us what is on His heart. For you are Right in praying for My church now for I have need of them to Arise and show themselves Strong and Victorious in battle—for it is not a time to listen to heresay and what-ifs, NO~It is Time instead to Declare My Victory Over My Enemies! For I Do Not Come in response to complaints and a heart that is full of fear—No—on the contrary, what moves My heart is Your Faith in ME that I Can Move Mountains! For what does My Word say? It says that is impossible to please ME without faith (Hebrews 11:6) So My Army Light if you want to get My Attention, fill your hearts with faith! And how do you do that? I will tell you! If you are going through a difficult time~Focus and Recall all the times I have been there for you, all the times I have answered your prayers, the times where you almost hit a car while driving, when you fell asleep at the wheel and suddenly you woke up f...

It’s Harvest Time!

For their is evil lurking in the deep state and I can hear them laughing and see them wringing their hands together as they devise a most evil plan to bring destruction to America on a Grand Scale—but this is What I Have Been Waiting For My Army of Light~for this is When I Will Intervene and Fight For You! For the deep state has conjured up evil spirits to help them devise this evil and wicked scheme against you for this is a MAJOR THREAT that if their plans would succeed, this MAJOR CATASTROPHE would bring death to many, many, many people. But these days have been written about in the Book of Enoch and the scriptures. Remember the parable of the wheat and tares? For the wheat and tares (weeds) grew together and then at harvest time, the harvesters gathered the weeds first and tied them in bundles to be burned and the wheat was put into the barn. (Matthew 13:29) For the deep state knows there is not much time before the inauguration so they are under a time crunch and there will be mis...

My Journey To Complete Surrender

Note: The Lord has asked me to share my journey of surrender with you. I have a dear friend who is a retired pastor from our church that I’ve known for 50+ years. He has cancer and is dying. My first response was that I needed to eradicate all the cancer cells in his body through the power of prayer and to take authority over the spirit of infirmity and I did that for months fully believing that God was going to heal him. But when I would see him and visit him he would tell me of the pain he is in and his appetite is not there and he is wasting away. He has been on hospice now for months and my prayers are not taking effect at all. My heart is grieved as I watch his wife, kids and grandchildren in grief knowing the soon outcome. And how have I handled it? I have let go of my ideas of how things should go and I have released my friend and his family to God. I am reminded of the verse that says that every human being is appointed to die once (Hebrews 9:27) and so I have surrendered to Go...

Take Advantage Of What Is Available To You!

For My son after He was resurrected and returned to the earth, He taught why His death was important and also was prophesied about in the Scriptures. But He also mentioned that He needed to go so that the Comforter would come! For I want to share with you the Role of Holy Spirit to grant you understanding but Also for you to Engage into the workings of Holy Spirit! For I believe you need Him more than you know! For My Son told His followers to wait and to stay in Jerusalem until you are clothed with the mighty power of heaven (Luke 24:49) Then came Pentecost and all the disciples were gathered together and Holy Spirit came as a pillar of fire and engulfed them and they were inspired to speak in tongues. But Holy Spirit does So Much More! He convicts the world of sin. Do you want someone saved, do you want someone convinced of a certain sin in their life? Pray to Holy Spirit to convict them. Is someone you know deceived and caught up in lies? Pray Holy Spirit to come and bring Truth to ...

My Promise To You!

For My Purposes and Plans are well on their way to become Reality. For the deep state’s agenda of death and destruction is Very Evident from the fires that happened in California. For through tragedy comes the Truth of what the left stands for~they want control of your possessions and control of how you live! But soon as more and more Truth comes out of what the deep state has done, It will Be Very Apparent that your Newly Elected President~Donald Trump will Bring Healing to America! For I Will Bring Justice to America and My David will follow through with it. And the travesty of the insurance companies will be dealt with as well! For I See All and this will Not Stand! Come to ME—all that are heavy laden and I will Give You Rest! Do Not Fear for I Will Never Leave you or Forsake you for This Is My Promise To You! Matthew 11:28-30 “Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll ...