Dethroning & Dismantling

 June 10, 2023

Patty Teichroew

My Prayer Journal

For things have been hidden from you from what is REALLY happening behind the scenes but the rule of the enemy and the powers and principalities are losing its’ brainwashing abilities upon the public. For the eyes are being opened and their ears are recognizing the deception they hear. For your prayers are making such an impact in the spiritual and natural realm! And the public is ACTUALLY BEGINNING to come to conclusions on their own instead of falling prey to the narrative of the MSM! And I say that your prayers that are targeting the weather manipulators and the enemy’s use of them are being effective. For I say My Word that says ‘the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof’ (I Corinthians 10:26) will come back to haunt them for I AM taking back My control over the weather for I WILL NOT BE REPLACED by My enemy, the devil! But I will TAKE MY RIGHTFUL PLACE ONCE AGAIN! For just like the Georgia Guidestones that were destroyed, I will do it again for you are partnering with ME in these endeavors by your prayers and decrees and this PARTNERSHIP is making a DIFFERENCE in this FIGHT! For WE ARE DETHRONING and DISMANTLING this hell on earth and BRINGING FORTH HEAVEN ON EARTH!


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