Do Not Give Up!

 June 5,2023

Patty Teichroew 

My Prayer Journal

For you My Overcoming Army of Light have been chosen—chosen to bring My Light and diffuse the darkness that seeks to overcome and quench My Light. For when you come in prayer using the authority that I have given you, My Power is RELEASED through your prayers and so are My Angel Armies, so DO NOT GIVE UP and DO NOT STOP praying for your prayers have been used to counteract the enemy’s plans. For even though the enemy would want you to THINK that your prayers cannot affect what the enemy is doing~it’s the OPPOSITE! For when you pray to nullify the enemy’s plans and schemes, it causes a paralysis in their minds and causes them not to be able to think straight and they lose their effectiveness to carry out their plans. SO CONTINUE TO FIGHT and do warfare against their evil plans for NOT ONLY is their target children, but women as well. For women carry and bear children and so they are a target as well. So My Overcoming Army of Light, Armor up, use My Authority and DISMANTLE the GENDER AGENDA used against the children and young adults as well and DISMANTLE the agenda against women for you are on the WINNING SIDE and GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN YOU than he that is in the world.

Genesis 3:14a-15a “So the Lord God said to the serpent, ‘Because you have done this…I will put enmity between you and the woman.”

Enmity-a feeling or condition of hostility; hatred ; ill will; animosity; antagonism.

I John 4:4 “Little children, you are of God, and have overcome them; for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”


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