My Plans

June 6, 2023

 Patty Teichroew

My Prayer Journal

So, you’ve heard of the Jesus Revolution and what I did in the 1960’s and 70’s. And you remember the Revolutionary War when America gained its’ independence from the British and now I’m calling forth a whole NEW REVOLUTION ~IN THE CHURCH—A CHURCH REVOLUTION where the teachings of old that have been held back what I want to do will be totally REWRITTEN. For you cannot put new wine into old wine skins for I have done this before; for after My Son died and the church was born and also the gospel came into being and becoming My child (or My people) had nothing to do with lineage or family line. For being a child of Mine became AVAILABLE FOR EVERYONE and not just the Jewish people. And then after My Son died, the temple veil was torn in two showing that you do not need to sacrifice anymore for Jesus paid it all—nor do you need to go to a priest for forgiveness of sin for you have complete access to ME. Now~this next BIG CHANGE in the church will be 1. The Truth of Eschatology and how the enemy brought a FALSE TEACHING in the church. This false teaching will be DEALT WITH and REVISED to its’ ORIGINAL INTENT. 2. Holy Spirit—will be recognized by empowering and bringing Truth. Also Holy Spirit will be activated in All the Church to baptize many and bring the gifts of the Spirit to all and not just a select few. 3. My children will KNOW THEIR IDENTITY! And they will manifest My Power as Sons and Daughters of the Most High! For you will trample the enemy under your feet and you will NO LONGER be under but OVER! For you are OVERCOMERS! For in order for you to become My GLORIOUS CHURCH, things need to change AND THATS WHAT I’M GOING TO DO! So come alongside ME My Overcoming Army of Light~now that you know My Plans~pray them in, use your authority and LET’S DO THIS! LET THE REVOLUTION BEGIN!

Luke 19:13b “Occupy till I come.”

Romans 16:20 “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.”

Ephesians 5:27 “that he might present himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.”


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