
 For the deep state has been busy manipulating the weather. Have you noticed weather patterns that are stuck and not moving? And then we have the fires in Canada that their smoke is wrecking havoc in New York City. And I say that you~My Overcoming Army of Light have the authority and power that comes from My Name to do something about it! For the prayer of a righteous man (and woman) availeth much! (James 5:16b) Now, DISMANTLE the control of weather patterns and also that its’ origins are exposed. Then pray and send a powerful low pressure system over the fires in Canada to bring a deluge of rain to take them out! But also pray for exposure for it WAS NO ACCIDENT! For even though things look bleak now, it’s only because the deep state and all its’ antics are being revealed and exposed. For it has always been their plan to depopulate the Earth—BUT IT’S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! For My Plans are working too—even though you don’t see them. For many people’s eyes are opening for they see their money being taken from them by inflation and their lives are so different than a few years ago—for even their safety is not guaranteed anymore. TRUTH IS SETTING IN! Now take courage as you continue to fight for I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU OR FORSAKE YOU.


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