Time Like No Other

 For this is a time like NONE OTHER! For I will leak out the TRUTH through the airwaves using the MSM. For they will NOT HAVE A CHOICE in the matter. For I AM calling forth EXPOSURES and WHISTLEBLOWERS to come forward NOW and it will SHAKE the deceptive stronghold that has been in control for decades. But NOW I AM Bringing Freedom to the airwaves for up till now I have said before that it is good that you DON’T watch the MSM but NOW I think you might be interested at ALL the TRUTH that will be brought forth! You will be quite surprised! And the deep state that have been setting the narrative for so long will realize that they can’t stop THE FLOODGATES OF TRUTH any longer! And the deep state will SHAKE from FEAR for BOOMERANG is NOW set in motion and SO IS MY JUSTICE and JUDGMENT. For they have been caught and the tide of events, the narrative and their control is turning. For they have LOST THEIR GRIP on the culture for they have gone TOO FAR and when the TRUTH comes out about the children, THEY ARE DONE! For when people hear of the school shootings and the needless deaths of children just to push their anti-gun agenda, PEOPLE Will BE FURIOUS! For behold some emails will be uncovered between political appointees, government agencies, along with local police force(s)—For I the Lord say—YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH HARMING THE INNOCENT AND CHILDREN!

Luke 12:2 “But there is nothing[so carefully] concealed, that will not be revealed, nor so hidden that it will not be made known.”


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