Tune Up

 June 14, 2023

For I AM wanting to do a TUNE UP on you-My Army of Light. For just like a car that needs the oil changed, perhaps a new battery, tires rotated, or maybe even a new set of tires-for as the mechanic looks over the vehicle and determines what it needs, so I WILL do an evaluation on you! For I have DETERMINED that you need to be CHARGED by HOLY SPIRIT—like a car that needs the battery re-charged. I also notice that some are sick and need their immunity system to be re-booted to fight it and cancel it out. And then I note that some have more serious issues as the mechanic will bring in a new part and replace it…so CAN I! For there is actually a Body Parts Warehouse that My servant Kat has spoken of. So~My Dear Ones, come and seek ME before you fall asleep at night and ask ME for these things will be done while you are sleeping and in the morning, you will be REFRESHED and RENEWED! BUT YOU NEED TO ASK FOR IT…it will not be forced upon you.

James 4:2b “You do not have because you do not ask God.”


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