Worth It!

For it’s ALL Going to Be WORTH IT! For you, My Army of Light have experienced so much during these past few years—the disappointment of the fraudulent election, the coronavirus and then the immunization—those that took it and those that did not and the pressure to take it through the workplace or family and/or friends. Then if you did get the virus—the absolute DEATH PROTOCOL at the hospitals for the unvaxed was a true WAKE-UP CALL of the Biden’s DEATH AGENDA. Many of you lost loved ones and then there were the lockdowns as well. And now inflation, the food, so many things that the deep state is involved with is coming against you. BUT now that we have covered what the enemy has been doing, let’s discuss what is on MY AGENDA! For I AM coming to bring healing—for the body, mind and soul. For I will bring your rightful President back into office and I will take care and rid the 7 mountains of its’ evil control. Truth will be shared on the airwaves and there will be a UNITY OF HEART AND MIND in people’s lives—young and old, left and right—from ALL BACKGROUNDS. I WILL RESTORE FAMILY AND FRIENDS’ relationships as well. And I WILL RESTORE YOUR HONOR! For so long you have been ridiculed and made fun of but I Will CHANGE ALL OF THAT! ARISE MY ARMY OF LIGHT and TAKE YOUR POSITION of being a VICTOR for ALL THAT YOU HAVE GONE THROUGH! For IT’S ALL GOING TO BE WORTH IT!

Psalms 71:20-21 “Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up. You will increase my honor and comfort me once again.”


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