A Circus!

For I the Lord will Stand Up for My David in the court system and I will make his opponents Look Like Fools! For I will call their bluff in Every Court Case—even the judges who have heard these foolish cases that have no piece of truth in them! For this is what I call a Circus! For now I AM going to throw the book at them! For Donald is My Anointed and I shall protect not only his body and family from physical harm, but I shall also protect his reputation for I Declare that No Slander will stick to him but Instead It will Backfire on those who would seek to take Donald down. Can you see how desperate the deep state has become? And I say they will lose their reputation for I will put SHAME on them! For I will show the public that Donald J. Trump is a man that can be Trusted! For I AM fighting for My David and No one will win against him! For I laugh at My enemies for they picked the wrong person to come against for actually they’re Fighting Against ME! And they will NEVER WIN!

Psalms 2:4- “The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them. He rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath saying, I have installed my king on Zion, my holy mountain.”


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