A Mighty Work Of Cleansing

For this is the time I AM setting apart the church for Holy Spirit is about to do a Mighty Work of Cleansing in the Body of Christ. For some it will be Very Difficult as Holy Spirit will convict those who have chosen to be lukewarm. Many leaders have deceived their flocks of their true intentions~for it is Not to serve but it’s all about adulation and getting noticed for their pride and ego is more important to them than their love and worship of ME. For far be it from them to be interrupted in their schedule to visit someone in the hospital or memory care facility. And if they do not repent, they will step down for I will make them Very Uncomfortable with the conviction Holy Spirit places upon them. For I AM cleansing My House~for it will be a House of Worship and Prayer! And for those who have Remained Steadfast—firm in their love for ME—Behold Holy Spirit will open the wells~the wells of Living Water will be Poured Out to bring Joy, Unspeakable Joy into your hearts. And Holy Spirit will Overflow in your life and the Gifts of Holy Spirit will be Poured Out Abundantly~no matter if you’ve never used them before—miracles, healing,signs and wonders and so much more! For My Children will be Full of Joy and the Joy of the Lord will be their Strength!


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