Big Changes Are Coming!

June 29, 2022

For I AM going to ANNOUNCE that the vote for the Presidential Election in 2020 was fraudulent and that Biden is out! I AM NOT LETTING IT GO! They’re ALL going down and I say I’VE HAD ENOUGH! ENOUGH OF THIS CHARADE! For watch this week~EVERYTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE for the Supreme Court is now going to get involved. Pray against riots on the street. Pray against the involvement of Antifa and BLM. Pray that they lose their financial support and that their funds run dry. Take out the SPIRIT of LAWLESSNESS and the SPIRIT OF VIOLENCE BY YOUR PRAYERS AND TAKE AUTHORITY OVER THEM. Loose upon your country unity and division will leave for YOUR PRAYERS ARE WHAT IS NEEDED TO REVERSE THE ENEMY’S PLANS AND TO RESTORE AMERICA AGAIN.

I Thessalonians 5:17 “Pray continually.” 


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