Change Of Events

July 9, 2022

For everyone will see MY GLORY and yes the death angel will once again visit my enemies and EVERYONE will KNOW that there is a GOD! For I have opened the WORD and have anointed with wisdom and understanding the times and seasons to those who are seeking after Truth, just like I did with the sons of Issachar. See, it won’t be long now and there is NOTHING to fear for I will PROTECT MY CHILDREN as the enemy is losing its’ grip of control now and the elites don’t want to admit that they see doom and gloom for their future and they are ASTOUNDED  that the BOOMERANG effect is in play for remember the story of Joseph, how he was sold as a slave and ultimately came up with a plan to save Egypt and the surrounding area from death? What the enemy meant for evil, I turned it around. SO NOW I AM TURNING  the enemy’s weapons that were used against you to BOOMERANG against them! They will be ASTOUNDED at the change of events-for they never saw it coming! Plus I will make the MSM cover these BOOMERANG events for I SAY ENOUGH OF THE enemy’s REPORTING THEIR PROPAGANDA! NOW I WILL SHARE THE TRUTH!

Psalms 7:15,16 “He who digs a hole and scoops it out falls into the pit he has made. The trouble he causes recoils on himself; his violence comes down on his own head.”


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