
June 17, 2022

Now I wish to say that I AM coming to set things right! For I AM weary of My churches that are supposed to represent ME—specifically the shepherds who have chosen not to engage in the culture, but instead are ignoring it and are Not leading the sheep! Where have they gotten the idea that they can say anything they want in the pulpit without any accountability? I say that I will NOT put up with this any longer but I need a church that represents ME AND instead of quenching Holy Spirit—to be able to be used by Holy Spirit; to actually be used by Him in a way that does not limit Holy Spirit but instead empowers Him—to be available in season and out of season and to be willing to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. For this is the time where My Spirit want to bring forth miracles and needs a place to be Set Free! So My people~pray! Pray for the church. For she needs to be ready and prepared for this move of My Spirit!


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