June 27, 2022

For My heart is giddy with excitement for as I come to rescue your country from its’ enemies and their plans to not only control you but to take your life away, once that evil adversary, the devil has been dealt with, it will pave the way for MY GLORY to come in. For this is why the battle has been so fierce! For My Glory will come on the heels of the battle being won! For My Spirit will fall on EVERYONE and there will be revival breaking out for the conviction of sin will be released along with the gift of repentance. Gifts of healing—physically, mentally and spiritually will simultaneously take place! And you, My Church will be MY VESSELS to be used in this great revival that will take place! For I will fill you and anoint you to bring healing, to speak MY WORDS and also to do “the greater things!” So…make sure your heart is right and ready for I can only fill what is CLEAN.

John 16:8 “When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin…”

John 14:12 “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing and they will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father.”


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