I AM Looking To You

For the deep state is conjuring up more evil plans that are specifically focusing on the upcoming Super Bowl. So, My Army of Light, this is where you come in—to dispel darkness and eradicate all their evil plans—just like you did at Christmas time and so you shall do it Again! For I AM calling you to DEFY THE WORKS OF DARKNESS IN MY SONS NAME AND DECREE that the plans the enemy has will be EXPOSED and ANNIHILATED and WILL NOT COME TO FRUITION! Also, decree that these evil plans and the people involved will be reported on the MSM so that it will deter others to do such things. Also, I call upon you to Call Forth the Destruction of sex trafficking surrounding this event for the enemy has used the Super Bowl for many such evil activities! Now pray that the Opposite will happen! Call forth My Kingdom come to replace hell’s agenda! Call Forth Miracles and Godly activities to Come Forth! Pray that My Glory overwhelms the darkness and the darkness Cannot Operate in Any Form! For I AM looking to you My Army of Light to partner with ME and make these decrees and prayers that assign My Angel Armies to fend off the darkness and destroy their evil plans!    

Psalms 21:11-13 “Though they plot evil against you and devise wicked schemes, they cannot succeed. You will make them turn their backs when you aim at them with drawn bow. Be exalted in your strength, Lord; we will sing and praise your might.”


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