It’s About To Get Real

June 13, 2022

For the wealth of the wicked is about to be released for the story of Moses saying “let my people go” is about to be re-enacted right down to my people plundering their enemies and the plagues will actually be Holy Spirit gifts that are being poured out and Pharaoh is actually Obama. For I have hardened his heart for such a time as this so that all men will see my glory and the Red Sea parting will be the scare event where people will be afraid for their lives but I will save them! It will be miraculous! For My Glory is about to be seen by the whole earth! And I say victory is mine but it also belongs to the ones who have been faithful to Me. For My faithful ones will receive their reward because they did not back down, they did not shrink back but instead they chose to believe in Me and My words. “For without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6) For this is a time of rejoicing! It’s almost time to “eat the cake!”


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