My Anointing

For yesterday when My Ecclesia gathered together and prayed with Amanda Grace and all those that she brought together—BEHOLD A MAJOR TRANSFORMATION took place in the heavenlies that will soon be evident in the natural realm as well. For as Robin, My Prophet poured the oil as a sign of My anointing over My David—BOOM! My Supernatural plans and purposes have Now Been Released! For this Anointing is Mighty in Power and Nothing will thwart My Plans and Nothing will Harm Donald J. Trump either for now Every evil plan the enemy uses against him will Now be used against the sender—much like what happened to Haman and people will start understanding what this anointing entails~that No weapon used against him will prosper and that now I have placed a shield round about him—that No lie, deception or weapon will succeed against him but All will go back on the sender. For I will show Myself Strong in Defending My David and My Plans will be Fulfilled! For this year is the Year of the Open Door and this Door is Being Used for My Kingdom Purposes!


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