My Breakthrough Is Near!

June 16, 2022

For the breakthrough is VERY NEAR! For the longings of your heart will soon be realized for healings will pour forth onto My children and health problems that people have had for years will suddenly be gone for the prayers of the Saints have been heard. For the season of hardship is nearly over. And My Glory shall be seen and known by My children. But also the anointing to heal will be poured out upon My children as well for I have called you to be My vessels-vessels of My Power so when you see someone in the grocery store or movie theater or restaurant and you notice them struggling with a health issue-I say go and lay your hands on them and pray for them. Do not dismiss their hardship as it’s not your concern, on the contrary—I had you meet them for you to pray for them and to meet ME! Be convinced now that you have a mission to fulfill and that is to love with My Love infused with My Power!

John 14:12 “I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows me in faith, believing in Me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do—even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father!”


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