Change Is Coming!

July 13, 2022

For I AM going to COME AND SET THINGS RIGHT in this country again! For I WILL REMOVE the elites and their evil plans against you! For it is time for the GREAT REVERSAL to take place! For I will remove the wealth, pomp and circumstance from them and their plots and schemes to decimate My church will be exposed and there will be SHAME ATTACHED TO THEIR NAME from that day forward! And the plans they had for you will fall back on them and I will grant that MY OWN WILL HAVE PLENTY AND NO LACK! And the lies, deception and propaganda that you hear constantly coming from MSM, I AM calling on You to eradicate controlling spirits and spirits of manipulation and completely remove them and release onto the MSM MY TRUTH AND LIGHT. For My judgement and justice will prevail in this country for I have called her to REPRESENT ME TO ALL NATIONS!

Psalms 132:15,16 “I will bless her with abundant provisions; her poor will I satisfy with food. I will clothe her priests with salvation and her saints will ever sing for joy. Vs 18 “I will clothe his enemies with shame.”


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