Part II!

It won’t be long now for when My Judgment falls on My enemies, so will My blessings fall on My Remnant. And all will know there is a God in heaven. For this will be the beginning of the Turnaround. For so long hell has ruled over the seven mountains and the depth of evil seen and known is almost reached. For people need to See and Understand what has happened to America for in the natural, she is So Vulnerable right now for even the police force throughout your nation wonders if they can withstand the riots and attacks that will ultimately come from these people that have come over the borders. But My Remnant in this month of January I have noticed the fasts you have taken part in, the decrees and prayers you have prayed and behold they have ALL been Received and I PROCLAIM that this country is MINE and CANNOT BE STOLEN FROM MY GRASP~SO WATCH AND SEE THE SALVATION OF THE LORD—PART II!

II Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

Note: The first salvation was when Jesus came to die for our sin as He made the ultimate sacrifice so that we no longer have the death penalty but we now have eternal life for all those who believe! This second one is when He is coming to rescue us from our slavemasters much like when God rescued the Israelites in Egypt but this will be throughout the world for we have been under the rule of the cabal for centuries!


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