July 7, 2022

For there will be many that you thought believed in ME, many that you respected and revered but their love for ME is cold and now their main concern is how much did we get in the offering plate? But I say I will REPLACE those who have worked their way into people’s hearts by deceptive means with anointed men whom I have chosen. Rejoice for this is the time of REPLACEMENTS and not only in the church BUT ALL the seven mountains of influence for I AM cleaning out all of them so that MY KINGDOM CAN TAKE RESIDENCE IN EACH MOUNTAIN! For this is a time of the great TURNAROUND from DARK to LIGHT for the enemy sought to change times and seasons to his benefit but I say NAY! IT SHALL NOT BE! And you shall see many changes now as this turnaround will become manifest and signs of your enemy losing will be very apparent! Now that the devil sees the writing on the wall of his doom, he and his followers feel trapped and want to cause more violence and release more devastation. Pray and take authority over violence, fear and pestilence that the enemy wants to release! For My victory will surely take place!


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