June 20, 2022

For it won’t be long now. Soon the waiting will be over and these trials that you have gone through—EVERYTHING WILL BE FLIPPED! For the conservatives and the church have been watched through a microscope and the media have looked for ways to tear you down and make a laughingstock out of you. But I say that there will be a GREAT TURNAROUND for I will take the ones who have been critical of your ideas, ideals and morals and I will switch it around for the pendulum is moving and currently what is evil is called good and is good is called evil but that is about to change for I AM renewing the attitudes and beliefs of this country and I AM also taking away the influence, power and affluence from the elites and the liberals, for once the truth and the exposures come out, a great CONVICTION of My Holy Spirit will be released as well~conviction of sin~for My spirit will fall on all people. And you will have a great relief from once being attacked to being looked up to. For you will be revered and respected for the new work of My Spirit will give you much wisdom and people who don’t even know you will be hungry for your words; for My Spirit will be giving you words to say that will astound unbelievers~much like the first Pentecost. So let your minds and hearts be at ease and at peace for all things will become new.

Joel 2:28 “And afterward: I will pour out my Spirit on all people..”

John 16:8,9 “When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regards to sin and righteousness and judgment: in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me.”

I Corinthians 1:27-31


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