The Release

June 10, 2022

Come now and watch ME and see what I will do. For I AM coming to change hearts and minds and will enable them to receive truth again. But I AM also coming to pour out answers to prayers and this fire of My Spirit that has been released brings with it healing, wisdom, words of knowledge and insight that will flow from My people. And there will be a distinction between My children and the world—just like I did when Moses, through ME, sent forth the plagues. There was a distinction between the Egyptians and the Hebrews and now once again, it will happen and people will see it! People will acknowledge that My power is on My children for Pentecost has come again to bring power upon those that follow ME in the midst of this battle and in this battle, they shall be victorious!

Exodus 9:4 “But the Lord will make a distinction between the livestock of Israel and that of Egypt…”


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