Do You Know Who You Are?

Do You Know Who You Are? Do you know Who you Belong to? Do you know you are My Heirs? Do you know you are the sons and daughters of the most High? Do you Realize your Position you have in ME? For you are the Head and Not the Tail!! (Deuteronomy 28:13) you are More than Conquerors (Romans 8:37) and He has made you Kings and Priests (Revelations 5:10). For I want you to Dwell on who you Are and Not on who you are Not! For you have been given Everything you need for life! (II Peter 1:3) So, Do you See why the enemy comes at you Constantly to Destroy your Worthiness? For he doesn’t want you to understand who you are because Then you would be a formidable opponent of his and his demons. For once you Understand who you are and the authority and weapons you have at your disposal, you realize that you have been called to FIGHT! For once you see and acknowledge that you have the ability to do Great damage to the works of the devil, you are fulfilling your position of being an heir for My Son came to destroy the works of the devil (I John 3:8b) and you would continue His work! But let ME add, being an heir isn’t always about fighting, it’s about loving, forgiving and putting others first. For when you love without condition, you are disabling and disarming the enemy from using unforgiveness or bitterness against you. (Hebrews 12:15) So Live Like My Heirs and Know Who You Are! 


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