Great Things

For I the Lord am about to do Great Things such as you have never experienced in your lifetime! For I have the enemy right where I want them—SCARED! And when they are scared, they do outlandish things that don’t make sense~for I have placed a foolish spirit in their camp that will cause them to make very Unpopular Decisions for they have No Direction for the United States and the American people will grow more and more weary of its’ leadership on both sides of the aisle! For My Plans are to make your enemy destroy itself—layer by layer, bit by bit~and that’s exactly what you are experiencing and many people are not surprised anymore of their choices for the government doesn’t care that they are destroying America—in fact that’s their purpose~but this is where I Come In! For all the negative things that are happening is FURTHER PROOF that you need Strong Leadership and one that is for Law and Order! So—all the damage that is currently being done stirs the hearts of the citizens of America and they are Crying Out To ME! For I WILL SAVE THIS GREAT COUNTRY AND I WILL RESTORE AND MAKE HER GREATER THAN SHE EVER WAS BEFORE!

Joel 2:21 “Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice: for the Lord will do great things.”


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