I AM Putting My Enemies On Notice!

For I the Lord am going to Sweep My Hand across the chess board of government and many will fall from the board for IT’S TIME and I WILL PUT FEAR into these who have defied ME for they will wonder AM I NEXT? For I AM Done with those playing god and trying to rid your life of anything good but instead heaping upon you burden after burden. Watch ME as I Deliver You from the stranglehold of their control. For their judgments against you are evil and this destruction that was caused in Texas will have consequences!! For I AM their worst enemy and I will Not Stand By and Do Nothing! For I AM entering this battle and I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED! For THIS DAY I AM PUTTING MY ENEMIES ON NOTICE—WATCH YOUR BACK FOR DESTRUCTION IS COMING FOR YOU!

Jeremiah 50:22 “A sound of battle is in the land and of great destruction.”

Note: The Lord wanted me to look up these two numbers for this scripture reference. First the number 50 means Jubilee, deliverance, or freedom from a burden. Fifty also stands for Pentecost-the Spirit of God coming upon the earth and also things being put back as the way they were intended. The number 22 means personal revelation; when light becomes manifest.


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