I Have Not Forgotten

For I will Birth My Plans onto America first and then the Rest of the World! For I Have Not Forgotten your forefathers who were gathered together to write the Charters of Freedom that include the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution and these were all written by those who sought ME and were inspired by Holy Spirit for they were all of one accord as they gathered TO FORM A MORE PERFECT UNION in this country for they knew without My Influence, this nation would fall so they brought forth and included ME in these Foundational Documents that formed this country called the United States of America. And because this country was dedicated to ME at the very beginning and because now there is a Remnant who are dedicated to ME to continue to adhere to listening and seeking ME, Behold I AM coming In Response to your cries for the enemy has tried to steal this country and claim it as theirs—the deep state—authored by the devil himself, but the blood that was spilled by countless ones in the military, police and first responders calls out from the ground to BRING FREEDOM BACK TO AMERICA! And I Will Not Be Deaf To Their Cries! And I say—You Did Not Die In Vain—NO! For the Month of March is the Beginning of Major Changes for I WILL MAKE MYSELF KNOWN through the courts, government and Every Mountain of the Seven Will Be Effected By These Changes! FOR I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN THE PRICE THAT HAS BEEN PAID FOR FREEDOM!

Psalms 108:3-8 “Wherever I go, I will thank you. All the nations will hear my praise songs to you. Your love is so extravagant, it reaches higher than the heavens! Your faithfulness is so astonishing, it stretches to the skies! Lord God, be exalted as you soar throughout the heavens. May your shining glory be seen high above all the earth! Come to your beloved ones and gently draw us out. Answer our prayer for your saving help. Come with your might and strength, for we need you Lord! Then I heard the Lord speak in his holy splendor and from his sanctuary I heard the Lord promise: In my triumph I will be the one to measure out the portion of my inheritance to my people and I will secure the land as I promised you….vs 13 “With God’s help we will prevail with might and power. And with God’s help we’ll trample down our every foe!”


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