My Ideas for Marriage

So you have heard it said to him without sin to cast the first stone (John 8:3-11). For this is what I said to the crowd that wanted to stone the adulteress. And where was the man that was with her? For it takes TWO! For far Too Long women have gotten and felt the brunt of being in a bad relationship but I have heard the cries of girls and women being seduced by men and taking advantage of them. For I the Lord made women different from men. Women are moved strongly by their emotions and that is why after the fall of man into sin, it was said to Eve that your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you. (Genesis 3:16b) Now let ME explain these words to you. First, a man with a heart of love for his wife is Not Abusive or seeks to control her. The reason a husband rules is to PROTECT her from harm. For the man is to Represent Christ as the woman represents the church. (Ephesians 5:21-33) Now, why would a wife want to be subject to her husband without love? For I Died to Show My Love so that they would be free from sin but Also to Surrender their hearts to ME, knowing My Love in the Body of Christ. For I AM coming to change the perspective of man and woman~for I will cause men to honor women once again, to not put them down as being less than, but instead being fully convinced of their role. And I AM also going to change the narrative that women don’t need men and that they are better off without them for this mindset is very destructive! Now—women~there needs to be changes on your part as well. For you must watch your tongue! And you must be a woman with a gentle and quiet spirit. (I Peter 3:3-6) and James 1:19-20) As I have asked the Body to trust ME, so I ask you to enable your husband to make decisions and to place your trust in him. Use your words to edify and encourage and speak Life into your marriage. Men—choose Love and honor your wife. Women—Respect your husband and stop nagging. (Proverbs 27:15) Both men and women—Stop trying to change your spouse—But Release them into My Care—then TRUST ME to bring the changes that are needed. For I long for Marriage to Be a Covenant Relationship and Not to be Defiled! (Hebrews 13:4) Honor ME by Loving Your Spouse!


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