Season of Radical Changes

For soon My Glory will be seen by All and No One will doubt again that there is a God! For I will Make Myself Known! For even the animals will recognize the One who created them! For this is a Season of Radical Changes~for even though it is winter in the natural realm where much of the vegetation lies asleep waiting for warmer temperatures, behold this winter I will Heat Up and Accelerate the times so that the waiting that you, My Remnant, have experienced will come to an end. For soon you will hear the EBS and this will be a sign, both for the darkness~for they will be dealt with and also for you who are in the light that you will Know My Plans of Justice are upon you!!

Psalms 37:28 “For the Lord loves the just and will not forsake his faithful ones. Wrongdoers will be completely destroyed; the offspring of the wicked will perish.”


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