That Covenant Is Still In Place

For My Words will Not return void but they will ALL accomplish their purpose! For I have told you of the Rescue that will soon take place, but there are things going on that are devastating in the camp of the enemy right now and they are filled with terror for their means of receiving money~the bulk of it~has run dry and they are in a state of shock! And I laugh at them for their pride would not allow them to see this coming. It is laughable to ME because they are actually wringing their hands in complete and utter fear that have gripped their hearts. For in so many ways, they are losing this battle of control for they have No proper candidate for the Presidency and now the money and cash flow has run dry that they they usually count on and even Truth has been coming out on news shows as well. For I AM just getting started fulfilling My Plans against the enemy. For I will place SHAME on them that they cannot ignore or hide from! And what they did on January 6th is a travesty—especially to those who are in prison. And behold I will Make Justice Prevail in this situation! For I will cause the Truth—ALL THE TRUTH to come forth and even the plans that didn’t happen for the deep state can no longer hide their evil plans against America and what she stands for! I will Not Let the deep state take control of her—No She is Mine~for she was dedicated to ME by your forefathers and that Covenant is Still In Place and Now I Will Act on that Covenant that will Never Be Broken!! America, America-God shed His Grace on thee and crown thy good with Brotherhood from Sea to Shining Sea!


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