The Gavel Will Fall

Because Jacob Rothschild died~his controlling power has died too and now the truth will be revealed what and who has been controlling the world’s affairs will come to light and also their Absolute Evil Deeds as well for when I spoke through Johnny Enlow yesterday when he said that the trickle of justice will be replaced by a Cascade of Justice~this is what I was referring to. For no longer is America a corporation and the 3-pronged system is Now Defunct. For this system has been used to bring destruction, control and death to many. But now—it will all change! For the Rothschild Dynasty has been annihilated by ME, for I the Lord will Now open the Gates of Communication of Truth and now My Hand of Justice will Come Swiftly and the Gavel Will Fall! For the darkness will No Longer rule the earth! First comes Truth to set people’s minds free and then the Light will be spread throughout the world! Rejoice My Army of Light for your Freedom is at hand!


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