This Day

This day is called Valentine’s Day but the story of St. Valentine had a cruel ending to his life. But this day is to represent love, romantic love between a man and a woman yet I know that many have lost love along the way by divorce, death or never occurred at all. And this day is a day that is painful for you. Now I say bring this pain to ME, come and spend time with ME and give it to ME. And I say I will Renew you in My Love and ask ME how to move forward and I will give you insight to do so. Now to those who have a marriage that has a love that has grown cold, come to ME and ask ME to rekindle that love. Come Fully Expecting in the Impossible and I will do it! For I do not want this day to be ignored, but celebrated at My good works in you and through you!

I John 4:16 “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God and God in them.”


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