When the Darkness Comes

For I shall Walk with You by Your Side when the darkness comes. For when this darkness comes, Let It Be A Sign To You that I AM working in your midst to Set Your Free from Your Oppressors! Now—there is Absolutely Nothing To fear but Instead It Is a Time to Rejoice for the longings of your heart will soon come to pass! For I have Never left you and I certainly will Be Right Next To You through the darkness—for you shall be Witnesses of My Glory and My Power! For many believers knew this day was coming and they longed to be alive at this time—But I Have Chosen You! So Relax and Know that My Power will be Released Like Never Before and you will be Eyewitnesses To It ALL!

Psalms 107:14 “He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains.”


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