Your Assignment

Have I got a plan for the deep state that will cause them to shake out of fear! For they already know and are convinced that their plans to rule the world should Donald Trump win the Presidency this year will be Completely Ruined! But I have even more devastating news for them that is in the works that will come from the highest court in the land and that’s the Supreme Court! For I AM cutting the strings of  control and bribery off these judges and I AM Demanding that they rule Justly. Now pray My Army of Light for the Supreme Court! Send the hosts of heaven there to make sure My Plans and Purposes are fulfilled! Decree that My hosts Disarm and Defeat the spirits of debauchery, witchcraft and treason! And loose upon this nation My perfect Justice to Prevail and Overcome darkness! For this assignment when done by many will bring the fulfillment of many prayers! For this year of the Open Door is for YOU to Bring Forth My Kingdom and to Defeat Darkness!

I Corinthians 4:5 “So resist the temptation to pronounce premature judgment on anything before the appointed time when all will be fully revealed. Instead, wait until the Lord makes his appearance, for he will bring all that is hidden in darkness to light and unveil every secret motive of everyone’s heart. Then, when the whole truth is known, each will receive praise from God.”


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