Your Future Is Bright!

For February will go out with a Bang as a signal for what March will bring! For I AM Done with waiting for a change of heart in the enemy’s camp for I have given them multiple opportunities to change their ways But their hearts have turned cold to the Truth and to ME so they will reap what they have sown! For I will Heap Shame on My enemies and everything they have done to bring you harm and to this nation will come out of the darkness into the light! And those who have been vaccinated with the shot will be APPALLED at the Truth that will come out~for Congress has been trying for years to get more information but the enemy does Not want to admit the Truth~but I AM bringing forth a whistleblower who will bring forth documentation, emails and the like that will show the Reality of their Death Agenda and how this shot can have such disastrous effects on the human body from children to adults. And the cries of the people will be heard and the medical community WILL KNOW that they have reaped a WHIRLWIND! Pray My Army of Light for when the people know and understand the Lies they were subject to and what is inside of their bodies, the phrase ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE will become a Reality. But this is where you come in. Pray against the spirit of chaos~bind it and loose upon this country law and order and pray that your rightful President—Donald J Trump is ushered into office at this time so that he will bring answers and resolution to these issues for I have downloaded to him how to proceed when this happens. For Q often says Trust the Plan—But I AM saying TRUST ME for I Know the Future and It Looks Much Better Than It Does Right Now! For I gave this phrase to Kim Clement knowing these times were coming and you needed to know that your future is so much better than the present. So Rejoice—YOUR FUTURE IS BRIGHT!

Galatians 6:7 “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” 


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