Be Assured

For I the Lord Am Here and I have been watching and listening in to the enemy’s plans against America and its’ people. For they have been planning the destruction of America for generations. It has not been just the last few years. But because I have been Exposing what is happening which included the development of Q that was created and so many people began to understand the deep state, the connection of worshipping satan and also the children. It was a shock to many but for those who love Truth, many were drawn in and many realized that the MSM were feeding you lies. But this just didn’t happen overnight. For President John F. Kennedy saw the true colors of the enemy within and was working on ruling over them through the making of laws. Remember in a speech when he spoke of the secret societies? He knew and he was assassinated for trying to change their agenda and schemes and then years later Donald Trump became friends with John F. Kennedy, Jr.. Don’t you wonder what their conversations were about? For they were close friends! For I chose Donald Trump to continue where John F. Kennedy left off. And right Now Everything is going according to My Plans. For I will Deal with all these unfounded cases upon your real President and I Will Set The Record Straight for I will Turn the Tables on all who came against My David and they will Know My Justice that will Fall on Them! So Be Assured My Army of Light that I Know what is happening behind Closed Doors and I Won’t Let America Be Destroyed but I Will Save Her!


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