
The Showdown is coming soon and I need you ready. I need you to be full of faith and not fear, hope and not hopeless, and full of resolve that you will Not cower or back down from your belief in ME. For this conflict will impact you but it Must not pull you away from ME, but let it draw you closer! For the darkness will seem overwhelming and it will seem like I have left you~but Do Not Believe It! For I encourage you to use your prayer language and let Holy Spirit pray through you for you might not have an idea how to pray. And take the Bible off the shelf and draw strength from it and draw upon My Promises. For this Showdown has to occur and the deep state has to be dealt with. And once this is over, you will say in your heart—what a Difference a Day Makes for yesterday everything was doom and gloom but TODAY the Light has Come and Is Shining Bright! For the New Era that He has Promised Has Begun! For under the guise of darkness, miracles happen. For just as My Son died and darkness covered the earth and He went down to Hades and took what was stolen—the keys of death and Hades from the devil and so shall it be again~this rescue plan will take place under the guise of darkness and hell’s possession of earth will be Broken! So Arise My Army of Light and Rejoice for I AM Coming to Set You Free!

Revelations 1:18 “I am the Living One: I was dead and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.”

Jude 1:20 “But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Chris to bring you to eternal life.”


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