
For this day you celebrate Easter—the day I rose from the dead; the day I defeated hell and the grave; the day I set you free from the punishment of sin and made a way for you to have a personal relationship with the Father, ME and Holy Spirit. For this Day is a Reminder of what I Did For You! And all this last week you were reminded of the false allegations against ME, how the people who were supposed to represent My Father and the Sacred Teachings from Moses, David, Isaiah and many others had their Own Agenda and because I Stood in Their Way, they devised an evil plan to have ME crucified. But I used their plan to fulfill My Destiny of being the sacrifice once and for all (Hebrews 10:10) to all those who would believe. For even My followers, My disciples did Not understand why I didn’t send angels down when arrested in the Garden of Gethsamne; why I didn’t try to resist the soldiers taking ME. For I was like a lamb being led to the slaughter. (Isaiah 53:7) and My actions were fulfilling ancient prophecies. So Rejoice in what has been done for you; BUT ALSO REJOICE in the RESCUE THAT MANY WILL TAKE PART IN AND SEE FOR THEMSELVES WHO I AM!


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