For did you hear My servant, Barry Wunsch yesterday? He was speaking the words that I gave him and one of the things he mentioned was the wealth transfer. For I have been sharing this concept through many of My voices and prophets and I wanted Barry to share this with you as I wanted to re-iterate that IT’S REAL! For My Word mentions it in Proverbs 13:23. For this has ALWAYS BEEN MY PLAN since the very beginning of creation. For I knew this time was coming where the enemy, the devil had done so much damage in the world that there needed to be a GREAT CHANGE to bring restitution, recompense and restoration. For the deep state has been stealing from you for so long and you have been getting by but not able to accumulate wealth and to be in a position to bless others as much as you would like. But soon the day is coming when the Quantum Financial System will be known for it already has been activated and tested as well. For My Plan of the righteous being wealthy will become a Reality and My Word that has been sitting on the page will Come to Life because You,  My Army of Light will Call Forth My Word Now and Activate it by Declaring and Decreeing that Now Is The Time For Its Release!

Proverbs 13:23 “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the sinner’s wealth is laid up for the righteous.” (laid up-saved for)

Restitution-act of returning or restoring to a person something or right of which he has been unjustly deprived. The art of making good, or of giving an equivalent for any loss, damage or injury.

Recompense-To compensate; to make a return of an equivalent for anything given, done or suffered. Requital; return of evil or suffering or other equivalent; as a punishment. 

Restoration- the act of replacing to its former state; renewal, revival; recovery, renewal of health and soundness.

Note: the Lord had me use an old dictionary from 1828 to give you these definitions.


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