New Day!

For I AM going to make a way where there is no way and I will ASTONISH the world when I come on the scene! For Never Will There Be Such an Event as I Have Planned! For the enemy knows that I’ve been up to something for he sees My Angel Armies and he’s wondering but he has no clue how powerful my Plans are~so that’s why he thinks he has to counterfeit ME during the eclipse because he sees all the Angelic Activity so he thinks he needs to do the same. For he is falling right into My trap—they All Are! I AM laughing at their believing their absolute evil plans will succeed. And for ME~I AM excited for you! I AM excited for you to experience ME in a way you never have before. I AM excited for this New Era to spring upon you and for you to be Renewed, Refreshed and for your life to be full of hope again and no longer hope deferred. Arise My Army of Light and Believe in the New Day that is Coming!

Proverbs 13:12 “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.”


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