The Blessing of Enoch

 So as My daughter was praying, she asked that I take vengeance on My enemies now for My enemies are mocking ME~especially so much during this Easter season where you celebrate My Son dying, but Also Rising from Death and giving you Victory Over Sin! And I have heard your prayers~I have heard them all and I Know You Are Waiting On ME to Save You from your wicked foes-the devil and all who serve him. For have you read the very first words of the Book of Enoch? It reads—‘The words of the blessing of Enoch, wherewithal he blessed the elect and righteous who will be living in the day of tribulation when all the wicked and godless will be removed.’ As you can see, I have been thinking of you for a Long Time! And this that I showed Enoch, is written about this current generation. For I call you the elect and the righteous! And I say that I will honor this blessing that he spoke of and what he saw in his vision will surely come to pass! So, My Army of Light, CALL FORTH this blessing that Enoch spoke of for the fulfillment of time is close at hand.


  1. I pray Lord Jesus to give us discernment to know when to speak, and when to stay silent. Keep my thoughts always on you, checking with you before I act. I stand with Your Army of Light, and with the family of God as we walk into a new world!! Please God hold my hand tight, I don't want to be left behind. Thank you Father!!!


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