The Eclipse

For you are Mine! And I love to give good gifts to My Children! For did you hear My servant Johnny Enlow share My heart yesterday? For he spoke of the Eclipse that is coming and its’ meaning. For it is Nothing to Fear, but on the contrary, it is I making a Declaration of War against My enemy, Satan. For the prior eclipse was a declaration of what was in your future for it had to do with exposures and there have been so many with Q, Covid and learning of the dangers of pharmacy, what is happening with the children, your government and how devious they are, voter fraud, deep state and their agenda and so much more. For it has been hard for you to be Awakened. But I Needed To Show You What I Was Saving You From!! And now this next eclipse that is coming shares the altercation that is to come with the Devil. And this altercation is fast approaching and will soon manifest itself but Rejoice My Friends for there is Nothing to Fear, except for those who are on the side of darkness. For My Eyes are on you, My Remnant and I Will Watch Over You!

Psalms 19:1 “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.”


  1. I love it when God says 'you are Mine", it always brings tears to my eyes. I belong and am loved by the King of the universe, the God of creation!! How can this be? I don't know how, I don't care, I'm just grateful and honored to be His!! Thank you Lord!


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