
For I, the Living God, the Maker of Heaven and Earth give you a Promise this Day that I will undergird you in and through the darkness that is coming! Let this Promise bring you hope and encouragement now but also during the darkness. During the darkness~call forth then My undergirding to be released for you and those you care for~whether it be family, friends; whomever you believe needs it. For you have been warned of the darkness to come, but many are not aware of this that is coming. For I the Lord know that this darkness will want to shake your foundation in ME for this is something that you have Never experienced before and this is why I place My Promise before you so that you can call upon it for it is available to you~much like My written Word is. For this undergirding that I speak of will be a shelter for you but you need to ask for it My Army of Light. Now, in the meantime, let ME say that I AM proud of the way you are responding to problems and difficulties that come your way. For your first response isn’t to grumble or complain~No~instead you come to ME and ask ME how do I respond to this? For you are drawing closer and closer to ME and it has been MY DELIGHT! For you are experiencing My Word that says draw near to ME and I will draw near to you! (James 4:8)

Undergird—to strengthen, secure; to give fundamental support; provide with a sound or secure basis.


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