Victory is Ours!

For I AM fed up with what the deep state is doing and also their future plans to bring more chaos and disaster. I need you now, My Army of Light to Engage with ME for they are about to release rioting on the streets such as never been seen before. So come My Remnant and Denounce the enemy’s plans against you and Defy them by Disarming once again the spirit of chaos, but also the spirit of destruction as well. Disarm and Deactivate them and declare ALL their plans are Null and Void! For the deep state sees how much Donald Trump is winning in the polls and are very much afraid of his popularity and trembles if he should win in November. But I have a surprise coming that will further wreck havoc in the enemy’s camp and I Shall Not Be Denied! For I the Lord will Dominate and Overcome My enemies and you, My Army of Light have been a part as you have Partnered with ME! For the Victory is Ours!

Psalms 60:12 “With God we will gain the victory and he will trample down our enemies.”


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