Watch ME!

For I the Lord am so disgusted at this so-called leader of the United States for his speech last night was Absolutely Hideous and FULL OF LIES! He is the Reason you have all these immigrants coming through your borders and the drugs, such as fentanyl coming as well! For the deep state filled his speech with COMPLETE DECEPTION to deceive the American people that EVERYTHING IS FINE ~you have no inflation—the economy is great! Where are the FACT CHECKERS? If you had honest ones, most of what he said was COMPLETE LIES! And then he goes on to mention the character of honesty and integrity! He thinks the American people are FOOLS because he expects you to believe him! What happened last night at the State of the Union address was a Complete Travesty! And Now I Will Respond to this so-called President. Watch ME for he will be held responsible!

Deuteronomy 32:35 “It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them.”



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