Who I AM

For I the Lord am about the show the world who I AM and they will also be reminded of the Fear of the Lord. For the deep state have been having meeting after meeting trying to figure out what to do about Donald Trump and the upcoming election. For they were hoping to show that Biden was still a good candidate during the State of the Union address, but it was a Big Failure. He didn’t convince many at all. For he stood up at the podium yelling at everyone and talked about ‘my predecessor.’ I laugh at him as he doesn’t even acknowledge him as the former President. Their lack of acknowledging it is showing their extreme fear. They are running out of time and it shows! So what does the deep state do when they are fearful? They cause a disaster. For I have listened to their plans behind closed doors and I MYSELF will render their plans powerless but I will also Expose their evil plot. And I will cause many to stumble and I will Interfere with their idea of bringing harm and destruction. For I will Reveal Myself and many of them will Be Taken Out. It’s Time For Them To See Who They Really Have Been Fighting Against!


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