Your Mission

 For I the Lord have seen the catastrophe that happened yesterday at the Francis Scott Key bridge for this was not an accident and I say that I will bring exposure to this horrific event and the people behind this who planned it will have swift justice against them. For I AM weary of the enemy taking lives and bringing destruction to so many. For I will cause investigations to be done and I will interject and uncover the Truth for them to easily find the cause and who were involved. For when I deal with darkness, these evil people will not be able to devise this kind of treachery any longer for some will Be No More. Be assured that these plans that I have will eradicate the evil forces and societies that bring much death and destruction. So, My Army of Light~pray now for these secret societies and send a spirit of confusion, suspicion and fear to fill each one. Also, declare and decree that their plans of evil and destruction are Null and Void and will Not succeed. Declare and Decree that they are Going Down in the Mighty Name of Jesus! For through these prayers and decrees—you will bring My Judgment On Them! 

Psalms 37:16-20 “The blameless spend their days under the Lord’s care and their inheritance will endure forever. In times of disaster they will not wither; in days of famine they will enjoy plenty. But the wicked will perish: Though the Lord’s enemies are like the flowers of the field, they will be consumed, they will go up in smoke.”


  1. What a powerful Word. What a bold spirit Father has put on you. But always gentle and full of anointing. So glad I found you on Diana Larkin's Youtube.


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