Great Change

For this is the month of the beginning of Truth, Justice and Judgment for My Fierce Anger is being released on Our enemies and the children will receive My Protection and no longer will I hear their cries and I will change the heart of America to put the children as a priority and not as a way to manipulate or harm them anymore. I will eradicate abortion and I will change the narrative of morality in this country through My Presence and My Glory. For the evil in this country needs to be dealt with for I will Not tolerate it Any Longer. For the Great Turnaround starts today to rid the evil that has made a home in America, but I will Boot It Out and this Great Change that takes place will Renew Your Hope, My Army of Light, but will bring Great Dread to those whose hearts are full of darkness. For the things you have heard and the longings of your heart will be satisfied! For I Keep My Word and I Do Not Lie!

Numbers 23:19 “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man that he should repent. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken and will he not fulfill it?”


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