Great Change!

For I have been speaking much of what will happen to our enemies and what their fate is. But now, this day, let ME share what your fate will be. For I will bring Truth to this nation and throughout the world and through the Truth being shared, it will bring validation to your beliefs and what I have shown you. For once Truth has come, the public will be repulsed by lies and deception. For they will actually Long for Truth~and therein lies a BIG REASON why the Billion Soul Harvest will occur. For people will have an understanding of who the father of lies is and will no longer be drawn to its’ evil ways. That in itself will bring huge changes to the seven mountains and to culture itself. It will also bring Unity of hearts and minds. For Truth will be known of your history and all that the deep state has done in regards to wars, finances that were controlled, the rigging of politics and even sports. There are so many things that have happened over the years that were no accident but there was manipulation and coercion that had/has taken place and once the Truth has been shared~there will be such an Outcry! For people’s hearts will be broken, but this is where you come in, My Army of Light for you will be called upon to Call Forth Isaiah 61 into fulfillment and for ME to bind up the broken hearted and to set the captives free among many other verses in that chapter as well. But All of this will BRING GREAT CHANGE~for All have Gone Through this—all races, genders, faiths and I say what the enemy meant for their benefit, I will turn it Around and will bring Unity and a Love For Truth like Never Before! Rejoice My Friends for your Future is Bright and this Change is Coming!

Isaiah 61:11”The Lord will bring about justice and praise in every nation on earth, like flowers blooming in a garden.”


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